Building out the longest rail trail in New England.
Here's the 2017 Archive for the Norwottuck Network's
Free E-Newsletter about Trail Development in the Northeast.
Rail Trail Newsletter December 20, 2017 #15
One of the things I love most about land trusts is their can-do spirit.
Golden Spike 2018 0 JULY 27 and 28, 2018 at Northampton Union Station
Selectmen Approve Belmont Community Path Route
Letter to the Editor about the Tunnel being open now
And here it is, HOT OFF THE PRESS from the Governor's office this morning
‘I’m tired of riding my bike everyday and constantly feeling like I’m going to die’
Rail Trail: Luxury or necessity?
25th Anniversary for the Minuteman Rail Trail
Looking To Bridge Another Trail Gap
The Bay Area’s Expanding Bike Share Is Part Of Ford’s Transition From Cars To “Mobility”
Rail Trail Newsletter November 18, 2017 #14
State is providing $1.7 million for Construction of the Wayland, Weston section of the MCRT
GLX constructors picked for Green Line design-build contract
Grassroots Effort Leads To Rebirth Of The Air Line Railroad In Portland
Holliston OKs CPA funds to cover budget gap for 8 Arch Bridge repairs
Bellingham bike ride promotes rail trail
2017 City Election Candidate Survey Responses
Court Rules in Favor of the West River Rail Trail
Ulster County lawmakers approve removal of tracks to create Ashokan trail
Parks Trails New York's New Report About The Economic Impact Of Investing In State Parks
Rail Trail Newsletter November 6 2017 #13
NEWS from the Community Path Extaka CPX
Rockland, Abington receive grant to pave Hanover Branch Rail
Chicopee bike path nearly ready for construction
Next step on East Side Greenway plan
Public Invited to Discuss Bike Path Routes In Plainville
Southington’s rail-trail is closing the gap with Plainville
In N.H.'s North Country, ATV Tourism Revs Up A Culture Clash
At 92, Carroll crosses the bike path off her bucket list
Support the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative at the Annual Greenway + Industry Event
Rail trail connections coming to Salisbury
Initiative to close trail gaps in MetroWest
Benefits of Greenways in the Triangle Region of North Carolina
Rail Trail Newsletter October 10, 2017 #12
Some bits of good news from Somerville and Cambridge
Mass DCR awards $50,000 to extend the Mass Central Rail Trail in the Leeds section of Northampton
Dissecting the proposed rail trail in Weston, MA
Now live on one of my websites, an ARCHIVE for you.
Swampscott, MA Advances Its Rail Trail Plans
STANTEC lands $240K contract for Swampscott Rail Trail
Local residents gather, share memories of the evolution of Keene NH's rail trails
Bicyclist says she didn’t pull over for Arlington, MA police as a bit of a protest
Communities receive grants for recreational trails
Here's TWO stories about the Regional Plan Association plan to connect 1,650 miles of trails in the tri-state area
BPAC holds first meeting in Narragansett, RI
EPA Announces Superfund Cleanup Completion and Rail Trail Opening in Southington, Conn.
Charter Oak Greenway in CT Nearing Completion, Bridges On The Way. [Another column by Peter Marteka of the Hartford Courant; one of the region's best writers about trail development.--CDP]
Carmel, Indiana, Shows Suburbs How to Go Big on Biking
Newsletter #11 September 20, 2017
Input wanted on new Weston rail trail
Northampton Underpass update
North Adams, MA Bike Path Plans Draw Complaints, Praise
Swampscott, MA Advances Its Rail Trail Plans
A love affair, on two wheels
Forgotten River Will Get a Walkway
Greenways attract Nashville home buyers and developers
Great TED Talk on the Walkable City
If You Build It, the Dutch Will Pedal
Bicyclists celebrate East Coast Greenway in NH
Abandoned Railroads Become Vibrant Paths But Some Communities in EMass Voice Concerns
Turn over a new leaf: Chase that autumn foliage on foot
How the Malden River can rise from a polluted past
Newsletter #10 September 7, 2017
How One Massachusetts Downtown Bounced Back From The Crippling Shadow Of A Mall And Walmart
[pssst, the Rail Trail passes through the downtown--CDP]
Unused bridges, and former rail corridors find new life as urban trails
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS Recently Gave Me an Award for My Work on Rail Trails
Seven Stunning Sights From RTC’s New England Mapping Trips
National Grid Owned Former Trolley Corridor In Eastern NY Is Now Becoming A Rail Trail
The Plan For The State To Pay For Long-Term Maintenance Of The "Electric Trail"; Gets Positive Review From Locals
Eagle Scout Project Brings Stories to the Rail Trail in Holliston
Rail Trail Planners Urge NH DOT To Buy Newly Abandoned Line at Concord, NH
Swampscott Puts Out a RFQ for Engineering Firms Interested in Moving the Rail Trail Project Forward
Mass DOT's Bike-Ped Advisory Board recently met in Northampton at DOT District 2 HQ
Did you know that AMC now has an experienced trail building crew available for hire?
Proposed Tiverton Bike Path
Editorial: Railing about the trail in Plainville and Southington, CT
Biking across Lake Champlain on an old railroad causeway
Therapy on Wheels: Biking in Western Mass
The ARRT Now Sees Kayaks, Too
More New Yorkers Opting for Life in the Bike Lane
TWO NH Communities Appeal for Federal Leeway on Trails. They Want to Allow ATVS on Their Rail Trails.
Interesting Op-Ed by Larry Tucker
Eversource makes case for Sudbury-Hudson power line
The Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways have hired a part-time staffer!
A couple of videos from Edison, NJ that talk about the rail trail there. A part of the East Coast Greenway.
Bridge Rehab starts on future Columbia Greenway river crossing
Residents voice opposition to Plainville-Southington, CT trail alignment
In other news in CT along the Farmington corridor
Looking for some great INFOGRAPHICS to help get the trail built in your town?
Ground Breaking for Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Extension in Concord, MA
Governor Attends Event Celebrating Opening of New Cape Cod Rail Trail Bridge
Taxes on Bikes?
The biggest infrastructure project in the US is a 3,000-mile bike path
STATUS UPDATE: MCRT route through Somerville is not fully locked-down
Mass Central Rail Trail tunnel project on schedule
My Memories of David Burwell, his Mother and the Inspiring House in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Assabet River Rail Trail progress report
Neponset Greenway Trail Open for Use
Canadian tourism officials would like the East Coast Greenway to connect into the Canadian Maritime provinces.
Ashuwillticook Rail Trail is now 12.2 miles
Clashing Visions for Old Rail Bed (Just Don’t Call It the High Line of Queens)
40 Rail Trails on YouTube
How the Cape Cod Rail Trail Came To Be.
Rail-Trails Celebrated as ‘Vibrant Sign of Renewal’
New York Resident Makes His Mark In PBS Show
Trail Loved by the Economic Development Corporation in Putnam County in eastern New York
Adirondacks are Anomaly in ‘Rails-to-Trails’ Doc
The plan to Connect Two Major Bike Paths at the Albany Waterfront
A Guide To CT's Trails, Long And Short
Things are moving ahead on Waltham's section of the MCRT
MCRT Route Alternatives through Belmont
Update on the MCRT's Northampton tunnel
Rail trail will be ‘an asset’ for Concord
Lake Placid Officials Hold Informational Meeting On Draft Adirondack Rail Trail Conceptual Plan
Rail Trails in NY on PBS
LETTER: Time for Swampscott rail trail has come, writes Select Board
Rail trail reality: 'It's perception'
And then there was this from Attorney Michael Pill
Dover citizens approve lease for rail trail at Dover Town Meeting.
Connecticut NEWS: Movement to complete state’s trails gaining momentum
Please come to the Public Information Meeting on May 22, 2017 from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Plainville, CT Public Library Auditorium
An archive of these newsletters is now set up
To Advance the MCRT, Massachusetts DCR endorses Sudbury-Hudson Power Line Project
Three Routes Presented As Finalists for Belmont’s Community Path on the MCRT
MASS DCR --An Agency in Need of a Vision.
Lamoille Valley Rail Trail in VT Launches a $3M Capital Campaign
LETTER: Yes to rail trail (in Dover, MA)
Bike or Run Along These 3 Former Railroad Routes (in New England.)
Bridges, rail corridors find new life as urban trails
Rail Trail Article Approved By One Vote! Town Meeting says YES! by 342-341 vote.
Harlem Valley Rail Trail extension planned for 2018
MCRT in the news
Was There an Earlier Bike Lane, than Davis, CA?
Swampscott is still debating the worthiness of a trail that connects several schools
Clipper City Rail Trail seeking mural artists
Trail Extensions being planned in Manchester, NH
Voices from the Valley, Interviews Gary Briere
Plainville, CT the primary gap in the longest interstate trail in New England. Here's an update.
News from Dover, MA
Study on Naugatuck Greenway notes potential economic impact
New Option Floated for Rail Trail Extension on Cape Cod
Go West, Young Rider! Mass Central Rail Trail's Westward Progress
Do Homebuyers Value Recreational Trails?
The Burke-Gilman Trail
The Back Story for the Shining Sea Trail that is Still Reverberating Today
50 Years Ago the First Bike Lane in U.S. Opened
Rail-Trail Effect: On the Success of the Minuteman and Other Bike Paths
In the Last Newsletter, the Story of Schell Bridge in Northfield, MA was the Most Popular One. But Here is the Bigger Story!
Construction on Greenway Trail in Seymour, Connecticut - Due to Begin on April 1
Building More Bike Paths Right Into Downtown
Wayland section will be under construction in 2017
NY, a State "Hungry for Trails" and Savors Gov. Cuomo's 750 Mile Plan!
Farmington Canal as a Green Space
New Book about the Farmington Canal is Now Available!
First came transit-oriented communities, now it’s ‘trail-oriented’ development.
MassDOT plans network of bike paths to keep pace with demandThe Quick Story of Schell Bridge in Northfield, MA and How it is Spawning Copy-Cat Bike-Path Bridges in Keene, NH.
Newsletter #1 February 15, 2017
Mass Central Rail Trail Tunnel Takes Shape
Greater Walkway Experience
Railways and Trailways Co-exist
Leominister-to-Fitchburg Rail Trail Nearly Underway
Seabrook to Request Funding for Section of Rail Trail
Travel by Train and Bring Your Bike Along!
Feasibility Study for Dedham Heritage Rail Trail Released
Video #8 Northampton/Hadley on the Mass Central Rail Trail. Largely about the Bridge and environs.